


Anyone who only receives a UK pension, has been living in Germany since before 1 January 2021 and is registered with a German statutory health insurance fund based on the Portable Document S1 can continue to receive sickness and long-term care benefits in Germany with this document as long as there is a cross-border connection between Germany and the UK. You remain subject to UK legislation. If you need medical care during a holiday in an EU member state, you can use your new Citizens' Rights European Health Insurance Card (CR EHIC) or Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC), which you must apply for from the competent UK institution.

  • Example: You only receive a UK pension, have been living in Germany since 2018 and are registered with a German health insurance fund in Germany based on the Portable Document S1. Your centre of vital interests will remain in Germany after 31 December 2020. You would like to go on holiday in France in February 2021.
  • Result: If you receive a UK pension while you continue to live in Germany, you are considered to be a pensioner and no longer a "worker". You are still subject to the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement and can continue to receive benefits with the Portable Document S1. During your holiday in France, you can use your new European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or, if necessary, a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC), which you must apply for from the competent UK institution in order to receive medically necessary treatment.

Anyone who receives a British and a German pension and has been living in Germany since before 1 January 2021 is subject to German legislation on sickness and long-term care insurance. If you have taken out insurance with a German statutory health insurance fund, you are entitled to benefits in Germany with the electronic health card (eGK) of your German statutory health insurance fund. If you transfer your place of residence to the UK after 31 December 2020, you are subject to the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement. This means that if you move to the UK, you are also subject to UK legislation and must be insured there. For temporary stays (e.g. holidays) in an EU member state you will need the Citizens' Rights European Health Insurance Card (CR EHIC) or Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC). You can obtain this from the competent UK institution. If you fall ill during a holiday in an EU country, the certificates will enable you to receive medically necessary treatment depending on the length of your stay at your holiday location. This also applies to stays in Germany.

  • Example: You receive a British and a German pension and have been living in Germany since 2018. You receive benefits in Germany with the electronic health card (eGK). On 20 February 2021 you transfer your place of residence to the UK. You want to go on holiday in France in March 2021.
  • Result: If you transfer your place of residence, you are subject to UK legislation and must be insured there. During your holiday in France, you can use your new European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or, if necessary, a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC), which you must apply for from the competent UK institution to receive medically necessary treatment. This also applies to holidays in Germany.

Anyone who reaches retirement age for a UK pension in the future and who was living in Germany before 1 January 2021 is also covered by the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement. This means that when you apply for a UK state pension for the account of the competent UK institution, you will be registered with a German health insurance fund with the Portable Document S1and can receive sickness and long-term care benefits, unless you are subject to other legislation on account of additional pension payments or employment.

Should you have any further questions on cover in the event of sickness or need for long-term care, please contact your statutory health and long-term care insurance fund in Germany.

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